2012 m. vasario 23 d., ketvirtadienis



Nowadays more and more Lithuanians leave their country to make a better life and build a career abroad. Emigrants find well paid jobs, feel free to make their dreams come true and they are ensured to have a stable economy. There are some reasons why they choose living in a foreign country such as unemployment, bad conditions of educational system, unstable economy.

Firstly, foreign countries offer a great variety of opportunities in educational system. University gives student an opportunity to take out a student loan. If you earn even a minimal salary you do not need to repay it after studies. Also, in foreign universities there is a wide range of professions to choose from study programs which are popular worldwide. Furthermore, students can participate in various international projects and get a good experience. After finished studies you get an international diploma which  is more valuable than you get in motherland. Students choose studies abroad because all university given opportunities to make a student life a little bit easier are very useful.  

Secondly, many Lithuanians go out because of unstable economy. The foreign country government gives a subvention for families, helps them to settle in a new place. Another problem why Lithuanians go out is big taxes. In fact, the salaries are getting lower and taxes are getting higher. Poor families are lack of money and cannot pay high taxes and then they do not have any choice just to leave their native land. Emigrants cannot see bright future because they have not any guarantees if they set up their own business. In economical stable countries emigrants feel free to do that.

Finally, unemployment is one of the problems why Lithuanians leave their motherland. Especially for  young people is hard to find a job because employers require experience from previous jobs which youth generally do not have. Also, if people find a job the salary is not very big and it  is not enough to survive on it. Abroad there are no such unemployment problems so they find a job easier there than in Lithuania.
To sum up, the level of emigration is rising because of these reasons that Lithuanians face. In this case, it has negative effect not only on economical or political position of the country but on emigrants as well. Lithuania loses competent and qualified specialists while Lithuanians leave their native country, family, friends.

2012 m. vasario 20 d., pirmadienis

It's me


It is my first time when I start writing here. Long time ago in my childhood I used to write a diary. There were a lot of various secrets, feelings and I used to hide it somewhere that nobody could find. One day I found out that my feelings and secrets should belong to me not to a pink sheet of paper  so I kept my emotions in myself. It means  that I stopped writing a diary. And now I suppposed to write here and share my thoughts with you. As you know we have already studied one term together but not everyone exactly know who I am.  So, for the first time I would like to introduce myself and say what you may expect from me. 

As you know my name is Evelina. So please call me like this because I really do not like when I am called Eve, Eva or something like that.  Another my feature of character which is sometimes good, sometimes bad - stubbornness. I have my own strong opinion and it is hard to overpersuade me.  I am truthful and reliable person so I cannot stand when people lie to me. Also I am helpful, never refuse to help. What is more, I am shy a little bit. Thats why sometimes you can see me blushing. All in all, I am friendly person trying to be as positive as possible. 

Talking about hobbies, I can say that I had been dancing for ten years. Tried different styles of dancing starting from folk dance to sport dance, show dance, modern dance and even hip – hop. Two years ago I danced  in basketball matches during time outs. It was  a challenge. I attended theatre club as well. I always try to participate in various events and projects. One of them was the international project  ‘Well – being at School‘. I like traveling but never thought about living abroad and I am not planning to leave my native country for  a long time. Before entering the university at school I was not an extraodinary person or a head girl but I tried to do my homework and all works on time.

Thats all for now. I hope you will add something about me and say what impression did I make from your point of view:)

Have a good evening!