2012 m. kovo 2 d., penktadienis

The Book Recommendation

‘The Picture of Dorian Gray‘
The novel ‘The Picture of Dorian Gray‘  is written by a well - known Irish writer Oscar Wilde. It is a story about young handsome youth whose features retain his beauty while his made sins are mirrored on a portrait painted of him. I read this book and it made an impression.  There are some reasons why I recommend you to read this book such as ideas about essentiality of beauty, good impressive quotations, values and beliefs.

Firstly, this book is worth reading because of philosophical ideas about beauty and life. The message of the book is to show the vanity of external beauty. The author emphasizes that the people’s inner world is more important than their physical appearance. It forces you to think about the life, its moral and immoral values. This book gives you some thoughts about the place of beauty in our life.
Secondly, the author gives various beautiful quotations about life. For example, this is a quote about pure inner beauty. "But beauty, real beauty, ends where an intellectual expression begins. Intellect is in itself a mode of exaggeration, and destroys the harmony of any face." The other is about how contemporary  people are materialistic. ‘Nowadays people know the price of everything and the value of nothing. ‘ In this novel you can find more realistic quotations that you can use them in your speech or essays.

Finally, various picturesque descriptions of the novel involve you in Victorian era. The action of the book takes place in London in 19th century during Victorian era which is known for its values, arts, luxury. In a novel there are a lot of beautiful descriptions of luxurious homes with antique furniture. Also descriptions of people physical appearance let you know more about fashion of this era.  These descriptions involve you to feel the features of that period and go deep into novel.

To sum up, the author does not criticize major characters so he does not reveal main idea directly. He let you make your own opinion about the essentiality of beauty. I recommend it to read to incredulous people who are dissatisfied with their physical appearance and who think that external beauty is more important than intelligence.

1 komentaras:

  1. Evelina, your essay is interesting and eloquent. I understand everything what you want to say about this book. Your essay sructure is good. It is topic sentence, argument or example and conclusion sentence in every paragraph. I would like to read this book, because your recommendation engage me :)
