2012 m. kovo 17 d., šeštadienis

Essay about stardom

Many young actors and actresses dream of becoming stars, but in reality stardom has its drawbacks as well as its attractions.

On the one hand, the stardom gives actor an opportunity to participate in public life. They are invited to various events, concerts, festivals. In this way actors might get on with other famous celebrities. Also, famous artists have a possibility to travel around the world, act with famous celebrities, get new various skills. When they actively participate in public life they are identified by others and it is such an advertisement for them. The more events they are participating the more famous they become.  

Also, stardom makes actors prominent all over the world.  If actors are well known they have a lot of fans who adore and support them. People and journalists are interested in actors’ life and their career. In is not surprisingly that stars are recognized by ordinary people in the street, in the shop or in newspapers, on television.  It is great when fans know and ask stars to put their signature or to take a picture of them. So stardom forces actors to be in the spotlight wherever they are.

On the other hand, a star‘s private life is limited. If actors are well known they inevitably give various interviews to journalists. But not all journalists are reliable. They might disseminate gossips in the pulp and your reputation will be damaged. In this case celebrities should always think what to say about their private life and what is not recommended to say because journalists try to make an article attractive to read for others. In fact, they do not think about actors’ personal life and how might they feel.  

Not only that, but keeping good reputation is also an important thing. Actors can make their career very fast but they can fall down from the top of stardom fast too. It is hard to be always in a good mood, to smile to everybody and to get on well with others at the same time but celebrities should be always kind and well mannered. There are actors who became famous and thought that they will always be famous. They do not improve their acting skills because they think that they are perfect. But it is not true. If they want to be a respected actor they should always improve their skills. So, it is hard to keep a good position in star life.

Ultimately, there is such opinion that attractions outweigh drawbacks of that. But I think that you do not have to be very famous to be a good actor.

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