2012 m. kovo 31 d., šeštadienis

I love eating food from different countries

I love eating food from different countries. There are some ways why I like it such as knowing others country cuisine, comparing it with my traditional food and finding good recipes to make.

Firstly, it is interesting to taste different traditional food in other countries and to find out what is their cuisine. Every countries cuisine is different for its different traditional dishes and drinks. It is interesting what other people like in other part of the world. The cuisine depends on countries climate, vintages and traditional dishes can even show residents character features, temperament. So, tasting different food in other countries pushes me to think how many different dishes are made in our world.

Secondly, I usually eat other countries food and compare with Lithuanian. If I am tasting others country dish for the first time, I always try to guess what is made up from, what are the ingredients. Also I am always trying to find what Lithuanian dish is similar to it. When I compare food I can retell to my friends in more detailed way about other countries traditional dishes. In this way they can easily imagine how it tastes.

Finally, I find good recipes which I make for my friend to taste. I take various recipes from various visited countries. In fact, my friends are always waiting for me to make something new to taste.  I have really found so many delicious recipes which I often make to my friends and they adore it. I make various dishes starting from sandwich to various dinner dishes and desserts.  So, my friends are constantly promoting me to find new recipes.

To sum up, tasting food from different countries became one of my favorite hobbies and a piece of my life. I can say that I have three main purposes to visit more countries and to find something new to taste.

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