2012 m. gegužės 15 d., antradienis

The second semester

I liked this semester and academic writing classes. It was more interesting and valuable than before. You showed us how IT can actively be integrated  in classes. In this way you motivated us to write our essays in more attractive way. Also, writing in blogger was kind a challenge to me because I didn't use it before. It seemed to me that it is very easy to focus on my own personal ideas but when I started writing I found it complicated to join all my ideas in to one coherent paragraph. In fact, I have spent much time writing here in blogger. I hope I will continue expressing my ideas here:)

I spent a great time with you!

Thank you for all and have a nice summer holidays.

2012 m. balandžio 17 d., antradienis

What does it mean to be a good teacher

You know that there are a lot of people who want to be teachers. If you are planning to become a teacher it is not enough just to want to become a teacher. You have to think a lot before making this decision because it is not so easy to teach in school. You might face a lot of problems there. So that is why you have to feel a passion for teaching. You should know that a good teacher should be a person who has a lot of good qualities such as organisation, professionality, the passion for his job.

Firstly, a real teacher is a person who feels a passion for teaching. It is not enough to to know a lot about the subject. A devoted person for his job actively participates in everything what surrounds him. It includes relationship with pupils, after school activities and of course the subject. I am sure that good teachers love their pupils and they behave with them very well. If you want to be a perfect teacher you have to love your job. If you adore your job then you will love everything what is dealt with it.

Secondly, teachers must have good qualities. They have to be self-confident, curious, creative. They have to be able to control the class, to attract pupils‘ attention and to teach using different kinds of methods. Besides, teachers have to be interested in their pupils‘ interests. A communication between teacher and children is very important. It makes close relationships between them and this allows pupil to feel free and not to be under pressure to say their opinion and actively participate in a lesson. Moreover, teachers have to keep in touch with their pupils when the classes are finished\ended.

Thirdly, it is not a secret that teachers have to be well prepared with their subjects. If people want to be teachers they have to know a lot of things about their subject which they are going to teach. Also, they have to do their best in all lessons. The teacher should be prepared for every lesson so that the lesson would be organised. A good teacher should know methods how to attract pupils‘ attention to the subject. Also, teachers have to explain everything what pupils are asking, give them examples and explain it for several times.

In conclusion I would like to say that the most important thing before becoming a teacher is to think a lot before making this decision. If you are a teacher already, you do not have to forget that teaching requires a lot of things to be done. So teacher always should improve herself and develop her subject. Everything will work without big efforts if you are a tacher who feel passion for teaching.

my morning

Good morning. The shining sun woke me up and raised my mood. I got up earlier because of bright sun and this didn't annoyed me to be in a good mood. The cup of coffee completely woke me up and I prepared for the new day. I hope this day will be great.

Have a good day!

2012 m. balandžio 15 d., sekmadienis

'The Notebook'

The Notebook

The Notebook is a 2004 romantic drama film directed by Nick Cassavetes. It is based on the novel of the same name by Nicholas Sparks. The major actors of this film are Ryan Gosling and Rachel McAdams. They are young couple who fall in love during the early 1940s. Their story is narrated from the present day by an elderly man played by James Garner, telling the tale to a fellow nursing home resident, played by Gena Rowlands.

The movie focuses on an old man reading a story to an old woman in a nursing home. The story he reads is about two young lovers named Allie Hamilton and Noah Calhoun, who met one evening at a carnival. But they are separated by Allie's parents who disapprove of Noah's poor family, and move Allie away. Later Allie meets and gets engaged to a soldier named Lon. After some time she sees an article of Noah‘s restored 200 – year - old house as she wanted in youth when they were together. Allie, then, visits him in that house. It is evident that they still have feelings for each other, and Allie has to choose between her fiance and her first love. It is obvious that she chooses her first love. When she gets old she has a disease – dementia. That is why her lover Noah reads the book about their love story for many times. Their love was so true that even they died together.

The film is a fantastic romantic drama full of emotional and sensitive situations that allow you to involve in this story. The actors give magnificent performance because they are professionals. The directing is first class. 

This film is must see that to feel that true love exists. I saw this film for several times and every time I watch it I get excited by this story. It is one of my favourite films. I necessarily recommend you to watch and enjoy it.

2012 m. balandžio 2 d., pirmadienis


The article intrigued me with its unrealistic title called 'Chocolate may help keep people slim'. I cannot believe my eyes. It is written that scientists believe that even though chocolate is loaded with calories it contains ingredients that may favour weight loss. It appears it is how often you eat chocolate that is important, rather than how much of it you eat. Also, other studies have claimed chocolate may be good for the heart. Consumption of certain types of chocolate has been linked to some favourable changes in blood pressure, insulin sensitivity and cholesterol level. Chocolate, particularly dark chocolate, does contain antioxidants which can help to mop up harmful free radicals - unstable chemicals that can damage our cells. But before you reach for a chocolate bar, there are still lots of unanswered questions. But still experts advise caution because eating too much might be harmful because it often contains a lot of sugar and fat too. So, still milky chocolate will always be a part of my life. And it doesn't matter if it helps to keep me slim or not.

2012 m. kovo 31 d., šeštadienis

I love eating food from different countries

I love eating food from different countries. There are some ways why I like it such as knowing others country cuisine, comparing it with my traditional food and finding good recipes to make.

Firstly, it is interesting to taste different traditional food in other countries and to find out what is their cuisine. Every countries cuisine is different for its different traditional dishes and drinks. It is interesting what other people like in other part of the world. The cuisine depends on countries climate, vintages and traditional dishes can even show residents character features, temperament. So, tasting different food in other countries pushes me to think how many different dishes are made in our world.

Secondly, I usually eat other countries food and compare with Lithuanian. If I am tasting others country dish for the first time, I always try to guess what is made up from, what are the ingredients. Also I am always trying to find what Lithuanian dish is similar to it. When I compare food I can retell to my friends in more detailed way about other countries traditional dishes. In this way they can easily imagine how it tastes.

Finally, I find good recipes which I make for my friend to taste. I take various recipes from various visited countries. In fact, my friends are always waiting for me to make something new to taste.  I have really found so many delicious recipes which I often make to my friends and they adore it. I make various dishes starting from sandwich to various dinner dishes and desserts.  So, my friends are constantly promoting me to find new recipes.

To sum up, tasting food from different countries became one of my favorite hobbies and a piece of my life. I can say that I have three main purposes to visit more countries and to find something new to taste.

2012 m. kovo 17 d., šeštadienis

Essay about stardom

Many young actors and actresses dream of becoming stars, but in reality stardom has its drawbacks as well as its attractions.

On the one hand, the stardom gives actor an opportunity to participate in public life. They are invited to various events, concerts, festivals. In this way actors might get on with other famous celebrities. Also, famous artists have a possibility to travel around the world, act with famous celebrities, get new various skills. When they actively participate in public life they are identified by others and it is such an advertisement for them. The more events they are participating the more famous they become.  

Also, stardom makes actors prominent all over the world.  If actors are well known they have a lot of fans who adore and support them. People and journalists are interested in actors’ life and their career. In is not surprisingly that stars are recognized by ordinary people in the street, in the shop or in newspapers, on television.  It is great when fans know and ask stars to put their signature or to take a picture of them. So stardom forces actors to be in the spotlight wherever they are.

On the other hand, a star‘s private life is limited. If actors are well known they inevitably give various interviews to journalists. But not all journalists are reliable. They might disseminate gossips in the pulp and your reputation will be damaged. In this case celebrities should always think what to say about their private life and what is not recommended to say because journalists try to make an article attractive to read for others. In fact, they do not think about actors’ personal life and how might they feel.  

Not only that, but keeping good reputation is also an important thing. Actors can make their career very fast but they can fall down from the top of stardom fast too. It is hard to be always in a good mood, to smile to everybody and to get on well with others at the same time but celebrities should be always kind and well mannered. There are actors who became famous and thought that they will always be famous. They do not improve their acting skills because they think that they are perfect. But it is not true. If they want to be a respected actor they should always improve their skills. So, it is hard to keep a good position in star life.

Ultimately, there is such opinion that attractions outweigh drawbacks of that. But I think that you do not have to be very famous to be a good actor.

2012 m. kovo 6 d., antradienis

My horoscope


'Work, achievement and ambition are uppermost in your mind today. Communicating and being well understood are important factors. You might teach or even find you are wanting to help people that are in need of your special talents. Your timing should be perfect and those around you should find you most helpful, easily understood and have a good attitude. A new sense of self, a more assertive personal style and a more dynamic approach to life is the hallmark of the cycle that begins now. Doubts fade into the background and reserve is more a thing of the past. It's time for action--your destiny is in your hands. Your relationship with others, especially female friends, is harmonious. You will make a positive difference just because you care.'

As a fact, I have already taken one challenge! And I hope it will be successful because according to the horoscope my destination is in my hands.

P.S. My dear friends don't hesitate contact me if you need help. I will understand you and give you good advice.

Have a good day:)

2012 m. kovo 2 d., penktadienis

The Book Recommendation

‘The Picture of Dorian Gray‘
The novel ‘The Picture of Dorian Gray‘  is written by a well - known Irish writer Oscar Wilde. It is a story about young handsome youth whose features retain his beauty while his made sins are mirrored on a portrait painted of him. I read this book and it made an impression.  There are some reasons why I recommend you to read this book such as ideas about essentiality of beauty, good impressive quotations, values and beliefs.

Firstly, this book is worth reading because of philosophical ideas about beauty and life. The message of the book is to show the vanity of external beauty. The author emphasizes that the people’s inner world is more important than their physical appearance. It forces you to think about the life, its moral and immoral values. This book gives you some thoughts about the place of beauty in our life.
Secondly, the author gives various beautiful quotations about life. For example, this is a quote about pure inner beauty. "But beauty, real beauty, ends where an intellectual expression begins. Intellect is in itself a mode of exaggeration, and destroys the harmony of any face." The other is about how contemporary  people are materialistic. ‘Nowadays people know the price of everything and the value of nothing. ‘ In this novel you can find more realistic quotations that you can use them in your speech or essays.

Finally, various picturesque descriptions of the novel involve you in Victorian era. The action of the book takes place in London in 19th century during Victorian era which is known for its values, arts, luxury. In a novel there are a lot of beautiful descriptions of luxurious homes with antique furniture. Also descriptions of people physical appearance let you know more about fashion of this era.  These descriptions involve you to feel the features of that period and go deep into novel.

To sum up, the author does not criticize major characters so he does not reveal main idea directly. He let you make your own opinion about the essentiality of beauty. I recommend it to read to incredulous people who are dissatisfied with their physical appearance and who think that external beauty is more important than intelligence.

2012 m. vasario 23 d., ketvirtadienis



Nowadays more and more Lithuanians leave their country to make a better life and build a career abroad. Emigrants find well paid jobs, feel free to make their dreams come true and they are ensured to have a stable economy. There are some reasons why they choose living in a foreign country such as unemployment, bad conditions of educational system, unstable economy.

Firstly, foreign countries offer a great variety of opportunities in educational system. University gives student an opportunity to take out a student loan. If you earn even a minimal salary you do not need to repay it after studies. Also, in foreign universities there is a wide range of professions to choose from study programs which are popular worldwide. Furthermore, students can participate in various international projects and get a good experience. After finished studies you get an international diploma which  is more valuable than you get in motherland. Students choose studies abroad because all university given opportunities to make a student life a little bit easier are very useful.  

Secondly, many Lithuanians go out because of unstable economy. The foreign country government gives a subvention for families, helps them to settle in a new place. Another problem why Lithuanians go out is big taxes. In fact, the salaries are getting lower and taxes are getting higher. Poor families are lack of money and cannot pay high taxes and then they do not have any choice just to leave their native land. Emigrants cannot see bright future because they have not any guarantees if they set up their own business. In economical stable countries emigrants feel free to do that.

Finally, unemployment is one of the problems why Lithuanians leave their motherland. Especially for  young people is hard to find a job because employers require experience from previous jobs which youth generally do not have. Also, if people find a job the salary is not very big and it  is not enough to survive on it. Abroad there are no such unemployment problems so they find a job easier there than in Lithuania.
To sum up, the level of emigration is rising because of these reasons that Lithuanians face. In this case, it has negative effect not only on economical or political position of the country but on emigrants as well. Lithuania loses competent and qualified specialists while Lithuanians leave their native country, family, friends.

2012 m. vasario 20 d., pirmadienis

It's me


It is my first time when I start writing here. Long time ago in my childhood I used to write a diary. There were a lot of various secrets, feelings and I used to hide it somewhere that nobody could find. One day I found out that my feelings and secrets should belong to me not to a pink sheet of paper  so I kept my emotions in myself. It means  that I stopped writing a diary. And now I suppposed to write here and share my thoughts with you. As you know we have already studied one term together but not everyone exactly know who I am.  So, for the first time I would like to introduce myself and say what you may expect from me. 

As you know my name is Evelina. So please call me like this because I really do not like when I am called Eve, Eva or something like that.  Another my feature of character which is sometimes good, sometimes bad - stubbornness. I have my own strong opinion and it is hard to overpersuade me.  I am truthful and reliable person so I cannot stand when people lie to me. Also I am helpful, never refuse to help. What is more, I am shy a little bit. Thats why sometimes you can see me blushing. All in all, I am friendly person trying to be as positive as possible. 

Talking about hobbies, I can say that I had been dancing for ten years. Tried different styles of dancing starting from folk dance to sport dance, show dance, modern dance and even hip – hop. Two years ago I danced  in basketball matches during time outs. It was  a challenge. I attended theatre club as well. I always try to participate in various events and projects. One of them was the international project  ‘Well – being at School‘. I like traveling but never thought about living abroad and I am not planning to leave my native country for  a long time. Before entering the university at school I was not an extraodinary person or a head girl but I tried to do my homework and all works on time.

Thats all for now. I hope you will add something about me and say what impression did I make from your point of view:)

Have a good evening!